ART FAIRS:Paris Photo 2015

00Paris Photo is the premier international art fair for works in the photographic medium, held annually since 1997 in the Grand Palais. The 2015 Fair hosts 147 galleries from 34 countries, presenting both historical and contemporary works. Renowned for its innovative and high-level programming, Paris Photo is a key event for collectors and art world professionals, as well as photography enthusiasts.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: Paris Photo Archive

Except from the Booths of Galleries that present photos from the greatest and most important photographers worldwide, extensive programming includes special exhibitions. PRISMES, inaugurated this year, is a new sector in the Salon d’Honneur, dedicated to the exploration of the photographic medium in all its forms. This edition, the accent is on large format and serial works presented by 11 galleries. The Salon d’Honneur also hosts guest collector Enea Righi, who will present major works from one of Italy’s most important private collections featuring prominent artists such as Cy Twombly, Nan Goldin, and Hans-Peter Feldmann, among others. Accentuating the cultural and social dynamic of the fair, the Paris Photo Platform will reunite key figures in the art world for a 4-day cycle of talks and discussions elaborating upon three axes: “The Collection”, “Photography after the Crisis”, and “Photography and its relation to the book”. As in the past few years, the Photo-book has a prominent place. In partnership with the Aperture Foundation, Paris Photo presents the Paris Photo-Aperture Foundation Photobook Awards. From just over 1,000 titles, the Awards will present a shortlist of 35 books. There will ultimately be three winners in the following categories: “First PhotoBook”, “PhotoBook of the Year”, and “Photography Catalogue of the Year”. Of great interest are two exhibitions: “On time”, with works from the JPMorgan Chase Art Collection, that brings together photographs and film from 13 artists who explore the concept of time and challenge our perceptions of the past, present and future in thought-provoking ways, and the exhibition that is presented by Leica Camera with works of Stéphane Duroy and Paulo Nozolino. The works, produced simultaneously by the two photographers during a residency, explore the hidden nooks and crannies of our history, the echoes of a world silently disappearing, the heritage of a rural society that is fading away.

Info: Paris Photo 201, Grand Palais, Avenue Winston Churchill, Paris, Duration: 12-15/11/14, Hours: Tue-Sat 12:00-20:00, Sun 12:00-19:00, Tue12:30-19:00,

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