mirageDecember is the month of retrospections and self-examinations. It never caused me great pleasure instead I was melancholic, rather by habit, by overwork or perhaps because that the prosperity of those eras offered us the luxury of melancholy. The years rolled… in this journey in the time and the art world, Ι confuted, I Invalidated, I self-negated, I was self-canceled, through that journey… which it was increasingly bright and clean… ‘’Light Line – First Line’’ was born.

I tried to give it the dimensions of a project, because I needed a framework to exist into this personal journey, I followed Illuminated Routes in the First Line (for the first time I placed myself there), notes and readings. Great readings, to surpass me and to stand opposite them in awe, just like the nature and the path of light that I followed, joining the lines of the east with the west, literally, theoretically and philosophically, to exorcise the fear of the twilight and the end…

When I met Dimitrios Lempesis, three and half year ago, he had traveled his own personal path, we joined our desires and the magazine you are reading was born. We thank you (!). This month we decided to join our icons, starting from Greece, with the project: ‘’Landscape Around Greece’’, which are quite different as our readings, our experiences and our desires, to exhibit together, in order to contribute in our own way to the agonies and needs of our fellow human beings who are not different from ours.

Good Month (!)
Efi Michalarou