Ugo Rodrigone, einunddreissigsterjulizweitausendunddreizehn, 2015, Oil on burlap, wood, 370 x 365 cm, Eva Presenhuber, Zurich, New York, FIAC 2018
Ugo Rodrigone, einunddreissigsterjulizweitausendunddreizehn, 2015, Oil on burlap, wood, 370 x 365 cm, Eva Presenhuber, Zurich, New York, FIAC 2018

October is one of the most interesting months of the art scene, since October is starting with a big Art Fair (which has become an institution), Frieze London & Frieze Masters 2018 (October, 4-10/10/18) in London and is closing with another institution, the Fiac Art Fair (October, 18-21/10/18) at Grand Palais in Paris, which in the recent years is constantly evolving. Fiac’s parallel projects will be covered in a special article in our Magazine. At the same time, a series of very interesting exhibitions runs in parallel both in Galleries and Museums of London and Paris. Also the same period with Fiac in Paris are taking place two other interesting art Fairs: Paris Internationale (October 17-21) at 16 rue Alfred de Vigny, 75008 Paris και η Bienvenue (October 16- 27) at Cité internationale des arts, 18 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris.

Among the exhibitions that open this month, we recommend, in London: Adam Pendleton (Pace Gallery), Joe Bradley: Day World (Gagosian Gallery), Sean Scully: Uninsideout (Blain|Southern Gallery), Sue Williams: New Paintings (Skarstedt Gallery), Georg Baselitz: A Focus on the 1980s (Thaddaeus Ropac), Tatiana Trouvé: Navigation Map (kamel mennour gallery), and of course do not miss to visit Hyundai Commission: Tania Bruguera at Tate Modern and Renzo Piano:The Art of Making Buildings at Royal Academy of Arts.

In Paris: Monumental Minimal (Thaddaeus Ropac), Joel Shapiro: Splay (Galerie Karsten Greve), the Group show that is closing on Ocober 6, with works by: Pier Paolo Calzolari, Latifa Echakhch, Douglas Gordon, Jannis Kounellis, Alicja Kwade, Claude Lévêque] and Christodoulos Panayiotou (kamel mennour), Joan Miró (Grand Palais), Rui Chafes and Alberto Giacometti (Fondation Calouste Gulbekian), Metaphoria III (Lab’Bel), Franz West: Retrospective and Tadao Ando: Le Défi (Centre Pompidou), Carte Blanche to Tomás Saraceno: ON AIR (Palais de Tokyo),  Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing and Ana Mendieta: Covered in Time and History (Jeu de Paume), Picasso: Blue and Rose (Musée d’Orsay) and Jean-Michel Basquiat (Fondation Louis Vuitton). Also this month is running a series of very interesting exhibitions all over the world.

The artist that left their stigma in the history of Contemporary art and are presented at the column “Traces” this month are: Méret Elisabeth Oppenheim, Pino Pascali, Robert Rauschenberg and Pablo Picasso. As for the Architects this month were born: Richard Meier, Paulo Mendes da Rocha and Kazuyo Sejima.

Good Month (!)
Efi Michalarou